We know that finding the best parasite control program for your pets can be daunting and confusing! We offer a range of different products to suit everyone, so contact us today to discuss the most appropriate solution for your pets.

To determine the level of parasite treatment your pet needs, we will work with you to carry out a risk assessment based on your pet’s lifestyle and behaviour.

Book a flea and worm treatment appointment

Flea Treatments

All dogs and even the cleanest of cats can get fleas! They can pick them up when they are outside and out on walks, or we can carry them into the house on our clothing. Fleas can live and reproduce in our houses all year round thanks to central heating!

Adult fleas live on the animals and their eggs drop off into the environment, developing in our carpets and upholstery. Fleas feed on blood and will bite dogs and cats as well as people. You may see fleas in your dogs or cat’s coat, or you may see flea “dirt”: small red to black granules or dust in the coat. Flea dirt is actually flea faeces. Infection through flea bites causes itching and in some dogs may trigger an allergic reaction in the skin.

Fleas are the most common cause of skin disease in cats. Most animals will experience mild itching but in some cats infection may cause severe skin irritation with pustules and hair loss. Cats are incredibly efficient groomers, so it may be difficult to see signs of fleas even on an infected cat.

The most effective way to treat and prevent fleas in dogs and cats is usually with a prescription strength spot-on treatment, although there are other options such as tablets or injections which may be more appropriate in some cases. In general, shop-bought products are not very effective and do not last as long as veterinary products.

If you have treated your animal but are still seeing fleas you may need to use a more effective product and to also treat your house. Flea pupae can persist in carpets and your home environment for many months, regularly re-infecting your animals as they emerge!

Once the fleas are under control, continue to treat your animals regularly and treat the house regularly to prevent re-infestation. Many flea treatments sold in pet shops and supermarkets can contain substances which are potentially toxic to cats and may not be effective so NEVER use a flea product intended for dogs on your cat as these can sometimes be fatal!

Treating your pet with our vet recommended treatment plan will effectively kill fleas and disrupt their life cycle.



  • parasite control content

    The main types of worms that infect dogs are roundworms and tapeworms. In general, adult dogs should be treated for worms every three months, although some dogs may require treating more often depending on their lifestyle.
  • Worms can cause a variety of signs including diarrhoea, weight loss, coughing, breathing difficulties, and bleeding disorders. If your dog has worms you may see them in their faeces or vomit, or you may not see any at all! Some species of worms can infect children as well, so don’t wait until you see worms to treat your dog!
  • Lungworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum) infects dogs and can cause a wide range of signs including coughing, lethargy, exercise intolerance, and bleeding abnormalities. Dogs can pick up lungworm from eating an infected slug or snail.
  • Be vigilant! Curious dogs, those that eat grass and soil, or chew sticks and toys left outside will be vulnerable to picking up this nasty infection.
  • In recent years Lungworm has become more prevalent in the UK. It is not currently clear how common it is on the Wirral but we have had cases in the practice and other local vets have seen the disease as well.
  • Lungworm can be fatal, so prevention is the safest approach.
  • There are currently very few products on the market that prevent and treat lungworm. Broadway recommends monthly Advocate spot-on treatments, which will protect your dog from fleas, mites, and all roundworms including lungworm.


  • Cats are very prone to picking up worms as kittens and as adult cats. A cat with a heavy worm burden may develop weakness, diarrhoea and weight loss.
  • There are two types of worms in cats; Roundworms, which can be contagious to children and cause blindness and Tapeworms, which can be acquired from fleas or through hunting.
  • Most cats should be wormed every 3 months, but cats that regularly hunt will need treating more often.
  • There are lots of products that provide effective worming available for cats, from tablets to spot-on preparations. Many products also offer combined protection against worms, fleas, and mites but these may require more frequent applications.

To arrange an appointment, please contact your local branch.

Book a flea and worm treatment appointment

Protecting Your Pet From Ticks

Ticks are small spider-like parasites that can transmit infections to both humans and animals by latching on to skin and sucking blood! They are very common in grassy woodland areas but can live in your garden too. They are usually seen in Summer/Autumn but are present all year round.

Ticks carry diseases such as Lyme disease and Babesiosis so it is very important to have one removed quickly if you find one on yourself or your pet – removing a tick requires a twisting technique and removing one incorrectly can cause infections so it is best not to try it yourself unless you are certain you know how to do it safely! If you suspect your animal has a tick, contact us to arrange a FREE nurse consultation to have it removed safely.

Ticks are a common parasite that can affect pets, and at Broadway Vets, we urge pet owners to be aware of the risks associated with tick bites and to take steps to prevent them.

Ticks can transmit diseases to pets, including Lyme disease. These diseases can cause serious health problems for pets, and in some cases, can even be fatal. Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures to protect your pets from tick bites.

Here are some tips for tick prevention in pets:

  1. Use a tick preventative treatment - There are many different tick preventative products available, including spot-on treatments, collars, and oral medications. These treatments work by killing ticks before they have a chance to bite and can be a highly effective preventative measure.
  2. Check your pet for ticks regularly - After spending time outside, be sure to thoroughly check your pet for ticks. Ticks can attach anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found around the head, ears, neck, and feet. If you find a tick, use tweezers to carefully remove it, making sure to get the entire tick and avoiding crushing it.
  3. Keep your garden tidy - Ticks thrive in tall grass and other vegetation, so keeping your garden well-maintained and mowed can help to reduce the tick population.
  4. Avoid walking in wooded or brushy areas - These are high-risk areas for ticks, and avoiding them can help reduce the risk of tick bites.
  5. Talk to your vet - Your veterinarian can provide guidance on tick preventative products and offer recommendations based on your pet's individual needs.

By following these tips and taking preventative measures, you can help protect your pets from the risks associated with tick bites. If you have any concerns or questions about tick prevention for your pet, be sure to call Broadway Vets today.

Parasite Control: Hazards in our local community

Fleas, worms and other parasites can be caught at parks across the Wirral.

Parks are a breeding ground for parasites, especially in the warmer months from April to October. As a pet owner, you do not want to deprive your beloved pet of the chance to make friends, and you certainly do not want to limit the opportunity to be outside.

But, if it seems like all the other pets are itching, scratching and playing with slugs and other parasite carriers, what is a pet owner to do?

Spread the cost of essential healthcare for your pet

To spread the cost of routine worming and flea treatment for your pet, Broadway Vets offer the Pet for Life Health plan, which includes parasite control for your pet.

Click here to find out more and to sign up online

More information about prevention for cats & dogs

Parasite prevention for cats   Parasite prevention for dogs

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens to my pet if they don't have flea and worm treatment?

When it comes to worm treatment, there may be severe consequences if ignored. Depending on the type of worm your pet can experience irritation such as intestinal blockages, obstruction of blood flow in the heart, artery inflammation, anaemia, and even death if left untreated.

Can you get combined flea and worm treatment for pets?

There are combined flea and worm treatments you can get for your pets, also known as an all-in-one flea and wormer. We recommend that you visit one of our vet practices in Wirral for a flea and worm check-up for your pet, as these treatments don't cover some types of worms. Your pet may also have complications that combined treatments don't cover.

How often does my pet need flea and worm treatment?

Once every month, you should treat your pet for fleas, and every two to three months, or even more frequently, for worms. At Broadway Vets in Wirral, we recommend that you book your pet in for a flea and worming check-up, as we can prescribe the best course for your pet on an individual basis. If you are not signed up to our Pet Health For Life Plan yet, why not consider signing up today to save on your pet’s parasite treatment, as well as other benefits such as 2 nurse and 2 vet consultations per year, vaccines and annual health checks (plus more!). Find out more here.

How long should I wait between worming and flea treatments?

Many people wonder if they can treat their cats for fleas and worms at the same time or how long they should leave between treatments. Depending on the two treatments being administered you may need to wait either 48 hours or two weeks between treatments. Please ask your vet when picking up your flea and worm treatment how to apply the two treatments most effectively and safely.

Do indoor cats need flea and worm treatment?

Every cat, even indoor cats, need regular flea and worm preventative treatments. It is a common misconception that an exclusively indoor cat does not need these treatments – this is not true at all. Fleas commonly travel on clothes and bags and so may be brought into the house at any time. A cat could even pick up fleas during a trip to a vet, especially where other pets may not have been treated.

Does my rabbit need flea and worm treatment?

You must consistently employ effective, preventative medicines against the most prevalent parasites throughout the lifespan of your rabbit to ensure their wellbeing and long-term health, as well as that of your family and Rabbits. Keep in mind that prevention is much simpler and less expensive than treatment. Rabbits also suffer from several other parasites and conditions, such as Mites, Flystrike, and E. cuniculi.

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