From Monday 20 May, our Heswall practice will be temporarily closed on Mondays for 4 weeks. Please click here for the latest information on how to access our services.

The majority of the nation gets excited to be eating Easter eggs or chocolate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner or perhaps all three and we ae no different on the Wirral ! But we need to be careful and ensure our pets don’t get a hold of any, as chocolate could be dangerous for our animals, especially dogs!

What should you look out for this Easter?


Chocolate contains a chemical called ‘theobromine’, which is toxic to our pets. Even small amounts can result in vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures (or fits), heart problems or death in severe cases. So be careful where you keep your chocolate!

Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns contain dried fruit, such as currants, sultanas and raisins – and all of these are toxic to dogs. If your dog eats even a small quantity of these dried fruits (and grapes), they could suffer severe kidney failure which may be fatal. Sharing just a little bit with your dog isn’t worth the risk – please keep them away from hot cross buns altogether.

What should I do if I think my dog has been affected?

If you think your dog has been affected by any of the above or other threats/hazards, it is advised you act quickly. Contact your vet at Broadway Vets in an emergency as soon as your pet shows signs of being ill or if you think your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t, as we are available 24/7 in emergencies.

It’s a good idea to write down the details of anything you think your dog has ingested, when they ate/drank it, how much they have swallowed, and what symptoms they have been experiencing. If your pet needs to be seen, bring any containers or labels which will help the vet choose the best course of action.

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